Sunday, May 15, 2011

Objectify A Favoritism - Once Upon A Treasure Chest

"In order to record those fleeting moments, use a quill and ink."

=> My Challenge to you, my love, if to draw a Faerie House. And I do not mean the "Fairy Cottage" you would like to live in at some point, I mean a dwelling in which Faeries live. But do not draw the Faeries... just their house and the environment surrounding it.
LENNON, POST ALREADY. You're never aloud to get angry with me again! NO SIR.

Sunday, May 8, 2011

Princely Frog surrounded by his greatest desires


"Kiss it and see if it turns into a prince"... thanks childhood. I got peed on by a lot of princes.

My Challenge to you, dear, is to draw a box of treasure with one of your favorite objects in it. Yeah son!

Saturday, May 7, 2011

A Letter to my Bride - fun nights and weird urgings

To my Dearest Lennon,

I cannot contain my discombobulation that today is our wedding day!

It seems like only yesterday when I first saw your scary toe-thumb. I could not believe how turquoise you were, and today I am the luckiest jackalope alive. You are juicy , silky , and handsome , and I couldn't ask for anything more. The way you hump melts my heart. I want you to know that I will do all I can to give you a hairy life. My job as a Gold-digger may not seem like much, but we will be rich with ignorance , melancholy , and dildos . One day we will have 69 spicy children. I hope that they have my wiener and your squishy sex-hole and anus . When I see you walk down the aisle today I know I will sucking with joy! I love you with all my nips .



Thursday, May 5, 2011

Albert Enstein.

E = mc² 

"When A Man's Greatest Achievement Constitutes His Greatest Disappointment - We All Remember."

=> My Challenge to you is to draw a Princely Frog surrounded by his greatest desires. DO IT!

Wednesday, May 4, 2011

Challenge: Draw a chipmunk

                                                                                                                                                             (The chipmunk I drew for you stunk , it looks like a rat, It's a piece of junkbut baby you're a hunk.

My challenge to you, Lennon, is I want you to draw Albert Einstein.